Fixes in english translation+New Title

Replaying Magic Monsters, there's something I realized. I started the english translation in the beginning of 2023. And my english was...not really good.

 I noticed some gramatical errors in the game's early chapters. My english has improved a lot since that time, so, I'm going to fix the errors. 

About chapter 20 progression, I have already made the majority of the maps.

I also  finished the events of 2 rooms in last chapter:

I'm currently working on the events of the "???" map. It's gonna take a while to finish this one, because it will have the largest amount of dialogues in the whole game, and  since it will reveal a lot of details from the lore, I need to be careful to tell the story the way I want it to be told. 

I also changed the title a little.  "Magic Monsters" fits in the game's story and tone, but it's a pretty generic name. The game will be named "Magic Monsters: The Last Shakan". Stay tuned for new devlog updates!

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